Additionally, it is open source the GNU GPL published free software. It paves the way of producing project maps of any part of the planet for instance, mollweide projections assist in watching the entire globe at a glance, or Mercator projections enable the appearance of the earth for filling the screen.
Computer wallpapers are commonly produced with this astronomy software that lets us update the latest cloud maps of the earth, particularly of a region that is in sunlight. This planetarium software works as a renderer for the solar system and planetary images moreover, it facilitates illustrating different types of graphics of the solar system.
Additionally, the software’s download link has been given thus, users would get the best possible option to install it on their computer and laptop. Top 20 planetarium software has been described along with the software’s properties, function, features, and effectiveness. In this article, the writer has articulately outlined the best astronomy software for the Linux platform.